Scripting - OpenKM 6.2
Scripting was an advanced feature introduced in OpenKM 5.0 that enables administrators to execute some BeanShell scripts in folders, fired on every notified event ( for example uploading documents ). This feature has been overseed by Automation, which help you to do the same things with a few mouse clicks. For compatibility reasons there is also an Automation task where you can put a BeanShell code. This replaces the old way of enabling scripting.
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OpenKM uses BeanShell. For more information point your browser to |
BeanShell is a small, free, embeddable Java source interpreter with object scripting language features, written in Java. BeanShell dynamically executes standard Java syntax and extends it with common scripting conveniences such as loose types, commands, and method closures like those in Perl and JavaScript.
You can also execute a custom script when OpenKM starts or stops. To do so, just create a start.bsh (and / or stop.bsh) file in $TOMCAT_HOME. For example, we use this feature to create a complete environment (create custom users, register property groups, register workflow) each time the OpenKM demo is restarted.
Scripting in automation view
In Automation Scripting execution, there're several variables what are directly injected in scripting environment what can be use.
List of variables what can be used directly
Variable | Status | Description |
systemToken | The system token | |
node | Involved node (NodeDocument, NodeFolder, etc.. ) | |
uuid | Object unique identify | |
file | Only available when uploading or updating a new document content. | |
userId | The user id | |
nodeUuid | deprecated | Object unique identify |
nodePath | deprecated | Object path |
To test these variables simply can execute the script:
Purge all users trash
import com.openkm.api.*;
import com.openkm.core.*;
import com.openkm.bean.*;
import com.openkm.module.db.stuff.*;
String token = DbSessionManager.getInstance().getSystemToken();
for (Folder trash : OKMFolder.getInstance().getChildren(token, "/okm:trash")) {
print("Trash: " + trash.getPath()+"<br/>");
for (Folder fld : OKMFolder.getInstance().getChildren(token, trash.getPath())) {
print("About to delete folder: " + fld.getPath() + "<br/>");
OKMFolder.getInstance().purge(token, fld.getPath());
for (Document doc : OKMDocument.getInstance().getChildren(token, trash.getPath())) {
print("About to delete document: " + doc.getPath() + "<br/>");
if (OKMDocument.getInstance().isLocked(token, doc.getPath())) {
OKMDocument.getInstance().forceUnlock(token, doc.getPath());
OKMDocument.getInstance().purge(token, doc.getPath());
for (Mail mail : OKMMail.getInstance().getChildren(token, trash.getPath())) {
print("About to delete mail: " + mail.getPath() + "<br/>");
OKMMail.getInstance().purge(token, mail.getPath());
Update repository stats
import com.openkm.core.*;
new RepositoryInfo().run();
Import reports from a folder
Import reports from $TOMCAT_HOME/reports and also enable them in the default profile.
import java.sql.*;
import org.hibernate.*;
import com.openkm.core.*;
import com.openkm.util.*;
import com.openkm.dao.*;
Session hbmSession = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession();
Connection con = hbmSession.connection();
Statement st = con.createStatement();
File reports = new File(Config.HOME_DIR + "/reports");
try {
if (reports.isDirectory()) {
for (File rep : reports.listFiles()) {
int id = ReportDAO.createFromFile(rep, FileUtils.getFileName(rep.getName()), true);
String sql = "insert into OKM_PROFILE_MSC_REPORT (PRP_ID, PRP_REPORT) values (1, " + id + ")";
LegacyDAO.execute(con, sql);
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
Show jBPM mail configuration
import org.jbpm.*;
print("Templates: " + JbpmConfiguration.Configs.getString("resource.mail.templates") + "<br/>");
print("From: " + JbpmConfiguration.Configs.getString("jbpm.mail.from.address") + "<br/>");
print("Host: " + JbpmConfiguration.Configs.getString("") + "<br/>");
Reset user document size
import com.openkm.dao.bean.cache.*;
import com.openkm.cache.*;
UserItems ui = UserItemsManager.get("okmAdmin");
Refresh user items
import com.openkm.cache.*;
Create some folders and set property group
import com.openkm.api.*;
for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) {
String path = "/okm:root/fld_" + i;
OKMFolder.getInstance().createSimple(null, path);
OKMPropertyGroup.getInstance().addGroup(null, path, "okg:technology");
Show number of documents, folders and size from a given path
import com.openkm.bean.*;
import com.openkm.util.*;
import com.openkm.api.*;
ContentInfo ci = OKMFolder.getInstance().getContentInfo(null, "/okm:root/path/to/folder");
print("Folders: " + ci.getFolders() + "<br/>");
print("Documents: " + ci.getDocuments() + "<br/>");
print("Size: " + FormatUtil.formatSize(ci.getSize()) + "<br/>");
Get path by UUID
import com.openkm.api.OKMRepository;
String path = OKMRepository.getInstance().getNodePath(null, "b99f7973-4b90-457a-a2d0-cf2090ba995d");
Compact documents with size=0
Find all documents with size=0 and compact history of versions to latest
import java.util.*;
import com.openkm.api.OKMDocument;
import com.openkm.api.OKMRepository;
import com.openkm.dao.HibernateUtil;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.Transaction;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import com.openkm.dao.bean.NodeDocumentVersion;
String qs = "from NodeDocumentVersion ndv where ndv.size=0";
Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
Query q = session.createQuery(qs);
List docVersionList = q.list();
print("Number of nodes"+docVersionList.size()+"<br/>");
for (NodeDocumentVersion ndv : docVersionList) {
String path = OKMRepository.getInstance().getNodePath(null,ndv.getParent());
OKMDocument.getInstance().purgeVersionHistory(null, path);
Recursive repository traversal
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.openkm.api.*;
import com.openkm.bean.*;
Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger("com.openkm.scripting");
int MAX_DEPTH = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
void nodeTask(String path, int depth) throws Exception {
for (Document doc : OKMDocument.getInstance().getChildren(null, path)) {"Document: {}", doc.getPath());
for (Folder fld : OKMFolder.getInstance().getChildren(null, path)) {"Folder: {}", fld.getPath());
if (depth < MAX_DEPTH) {
nodeTask(fld.getPath(), depth + 1);
}"***** Process BEGIN *****");
nodeTask("/okm:root", 0);"***** Process END *****");
Show all documents used in every running workflow
import com.openkm.module.common.CommonWorkflowModule;
import com.openkm.bean.workflow.ProcessDefinition;
import com.openkm.bean.workflow.ProcessInstance;
import com.openkm.core.Config;
for (ProcessDefinition procDef : CommonWorkflowModule.findAllProcessDefinitions()) {
for (ProcessInstance procIns : CommonWorkflowModule.findProcessInstances(procDef.getId())) {
if (procIns.getEnd() == null) {
String uuid = (String) procIns.getVariables().get(Config.WORKFLOW_PROCESS_INSTANCE_VARIABLE_UUID);
print("Doc UUID: " + uuid + ", Process Definition: " + procDef.getId() + ", Process Instance: " + procIns.getId());
Purge all folders into some parent
That script purge all folder into some parent, without previously moving files to trash. The purge action is a non recovery action what remove definitivelly the objets from OpenKM repository. Use it with care.
import org.hibernate.*;
import com.openkm.dao.*;
import com.openkm.dao.bean.NodeFolder;
import java.util.*;
import com.openkm.api.OKMFolder;
Session session = null;
found = true;
try {
String sql = "from NodeFolder nf where nf.parent='aa08b392-0117-4b29-af9a-c4419ba6cab6'";
while (found) {
session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession();
Query q = session.createQuery(sql);
List fldList = new ArrayList();
for (NodeFolder fld : q.list()) {
found= true;
for (String uuid : fldList) {
try {
OKMFolder.getInstance().purge(null, uuid);
} catch (Exception e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
Count all children subfolder
Count all children folders - and subfolders into, recursion - into first level folder ( okm:root children folders ).
import com.openkm.api.*;
import com.openkm.bean.*;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.Transaction;
import com.openkm.dao.HibernateUtil;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.Query;
class Util {
public int childCount(String uuid) {
String qsUUIDList = "select uuid from NodeFolder nf where nf.parent=:parent";
Session session = null;
Transaction tx = null;
int value = 0;
List uuidList = new ArrayList();
try {
session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession();
tx = session.beginTransaction();
Query q = session.createQuery(qsUUIDList).setCacheable(true);
q.setString("parent", uuid);
uuidList = q.list();
value = uuidList.size();
} catch (HibernateException e) {
} finally {
for (String childUuid : uuidList) {
value = value + childCount(childUuid);
return value;
Util util = new Util();
for (Folder fld : OKMFolder.getInstance().getChildren(null, "/okm:root")) {
Recursive character renaming
Rename a character in all folders or documents from some initial path.
// Recursive renaming & to -
import com.openkm.api.*;
import com.openkm.bean.*;
void findNodePathHelper(String path) {
for (Folder fld : OKMFolder.getInstance().getChilds(null,path)) {
if(fld.getPath().contains("&")) {
OKMFolder.getInstance().rename(null, fld.getPath(), fld.getPath().substring(fld.getPath().lastIndexOf("/")).replaceAll("&","-"));
for (Document doc : OKMDocument.getInstance().getChilds(null, fld.getPath())) {
if(doc.getPath().contains("&")) {
OKMDocument.getInstance().rename(null, doc.getPath(), doc.getPath().substring(doc.getPath().lastIndexOf("/")).replaceAll("&","-"));
Cron tab exporter
Export execution based on crontab task
import com.openkm.util.FileLogger;
import com.openkm.bean.ContentInfo;
import com.openkm.api.*;
import com.openkm.util.impexp.*;
import java.text.*;
import com.openkm.core.Config;
import java.util.*;
// Configuration parameters
String LOG_FILE_NAME = "CrontabRepositoryExporter";
String repoPath = "/okm:root";
String fsPath = "F:\\Restore_OKM";
boolean metadata = false;
boolean history = false;
// Start
FileWriter fw = null;
try {, "Started");
// Open outputstream
String fileDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd").format(new Date());
String fileName = Config.LOG_DIR + File.separator + LOG_FILE_NAME + "_" + fileDate + ".log";
File file = new File(fileName);
fw = new FileWriter(file);
// Starting the process
ContentInfo cInfo = OKMFolder.getInstance().getContentInfo(null, repoPath);, "Files & directories to export:"+(cInfo.getDocuments() + cInfo.getFolders()));
File dir = new File(fsPath);
ImpExpStats stats = RepositoryExporter.exportFolder(null, repoPath, dir, metadata, history, fw, new HTMLInfoDecorator((int) cInfo.getDocuments() + (int) cInfo.getFolders()));"CrontabRepositoryExporter", "Finished");
} catch (Exception e) {
if (fw!=null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e1) {