Migration from 1.2 to 2.0
From OpenKM Documentation
- Stop JBoss of the current OpenKM installation
- Make a backup of your repository folder. This folder is located at $JBOSS_HOME/repository by default. If you have another repository configuration like db backend, you have to backup this folder and the database.
- Go to OpenKM-2.0a_JBoss-4.2.2.GA/migration.
- Copy the old repository to this location and rename it to repository-1.2.
- If you have modified the default repository.xml in OpenKM 1.2 you have to apply this changes to the repository-1.2.xml file.
- Execute the migration process:
$ java -Djava.security.auth.login.config==jaas.config -Xmx512m -cp OKMUtils.jar es.git.openkm.util.cmd.RepositoryUpgrade repository-1.2.xml repository-1.2 repository-2.0.xml repository-2.0
- This process can take a long time if your repository is very big. If you get memory exception, try to incremente the "-Xmx" Java Virtual Machine parameter.
- The migration process will show its progress in the console. Also this log is written in the utility.log file.
- When the programa print this message, the migration is done. If you don't see the console prompt, press CTRL+C safety:
################################ ## Migration process finished ## ################################
- Copy the generated repository-2.0 to $JBOSS_HOME/repository.
- Start the new JBoss.
- That's all folks!