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== Version 6.x ==
{{TOCright}} __TOC__
{{Note|In OpenKM 6.2 '''Jasper Reports engine used is 3.7.2'''. If you decide build your own reports '''should ensure be compatible with this version'''. In latest iReport tool can change compatibility at Tools > '''Options''' > '''iReport'''  > '''General''' > '''Compability'''.}}
== OpenKM 6.4 ==
* Document size (in MB) by user and tenant [[File:TenantUserQuota.jrxml]]
== OpenKM 6.2 ==
These reports with the icon [[File:Calendar.png]] use activity log information.
=== Authentication ===
=== Authentication ===
* Users login [[File:Userslogin.rep‎]] [[File:Padlock.gif]]
* Users login [[File:Userslogin.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]  
* Users logout [[File:Userslogout.rep‎]] [[File:Padlock.gif]]
* Users logout [[File:Userslogout.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Users session expiration [[File:Userssessionexpiration.rep‎]] [[File:Padlock.gif]]
* Users session expiration [[File:Userssessionexpiration.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
=== Documents ===
=== Documents ===
* Delete documents [[File:Documentdelete.rep‎]] [[File:Padlock.gif]]
* Canceled documents checkout [[File:Documentcanceledcheckout.rep‎]][[File:Calendar.png]]
* Checkin documents [[File:Documentcheckin.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Checkout documents [[File:Documentcheckout.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Create documents [[File:Documentcreate.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Delete documents [[File:Documentdelete.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Get children documents [[File:Documentgetchildren.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Get document content [[File:Documentcontent.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Get document content by version [[File:Documentcontentbyversion.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Get document properties [[File:Documentgetproperties.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Get document version history [[File:Documentgetversionhistory.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Get document property group properties [[File:Documentgetpropertygroupproperites.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Locked documents [[File:Documentlock.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Moved documents [[File:Documentmove.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Purged documents [[File:Documentpurge.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Renamed documents [[File:Documentrenamed.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Unlock documents [[File:Documentunlock.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Get logged user accessible documents ordered by folder name (for cvs format) [[File:DocumentsAccessibleByUserOrdered.jrxml]]
* Duplicated files [[File:DuplicatedFiles.jrxml]]
=== Folders ===
* Copy folder [[File:Foldercopy.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Create folder [[File:Foldercreate.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Delete folder [[File:Folderdelete.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Get children folders [[File:Foldergetchilden.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Get folder content info [[File:Foldergetcontentinfo.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Get folder properties [[File:Foldergetproperties.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Move folder [[File:Foldermove.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Purge folder [[File:Folderpurge.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Rename folder [[File:Folderrename.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
=== Mails ===
* Create mail [[File:Mailcreate.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Get mail properties [[File:Mailgetproperties.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Delete mail [[File:Maildelete.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Purge mail [[File:Mailpurge.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Rename mail [[File:Mailrename.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Move mail [[File:Mailmove.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Copy mail [[File:Mailcopy.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
* Get children mails [[File:Mailgetchilden.rep‎]] [[File:Calendar.png]]
=== General ===
* Registered users [[File:RegisteredUsers.jrxml]]
=== Examples ===
* Worfkflow load [[File:WorkflowWorkload.jrxml‎]]
== OpenKM 5.1 and older ==
{{Warning|These reports are not compatible with 6.2 and need some changes to run in this version }}
=== Authentication ===
* Users login [[File:Userslogin.rep‎]]
* Users logout [[File:Userslogout.rep‎]]
* Users session expiration [[File:Userssessionexpiration.rep‎]]
=== Documents ===
* Get logged user accessible document by folder [[File:AccessibleDocuments.jrxml‎]]
* Get logged user accessible documents ordered by folder name (for cvs format) [[File:AccessibleDocumentsByFolder.jrxml]]
* Get subscribed documents [[File:SubscribedDocuments.jrxml]]
* Get locked documents [[File:LockedDocuments.jrxml]]
* Get all documents into some folder ordered by size [[File:FolderDocumentsSize.rep‎]]
* Get all documents into some folder [[File:FolderDocuments.rep]]
* Get all documents with datastore UUID [[File:DatastoreDocuments.jrxml‎]]
=== General ===
* Registered users [[File:RegisteredUsers.jrxml]]
=== Examples ===
* Worfkflow load [[File:WorkflowWorkload.jrxml‎]]

Latest revision as of 19:01, 27 September 2016

Nota clasica.png In OpenKM 6.2 Jasper Reports engine used is 3.7.2. If you decide build your own reports should ensure be compatible with this version. In latest iReport tool can change compatibility at Tools > Options > iReport > General > Compability.

OpenKM 6.4

OpenKM 6.2

These reports with the icon Calendar.png use activity log information.







OpenKM 5.1 and older

Nota advertencia.png These reports are not compatible with 6.2 and need some changes to run in this version



