Migration from 4.1 to 5.0
From OpenKM Documentation
Download the migration utility called OKMUtils-4.0.jar. This is a self-contained JAR with all the required dependencies. Can be executed from command line as:
$ java -Xmx512m -Djava.security.auth.login.config=jaas.conf -cp utilities.jar com.openkm.util.RepositoryUpgrade
And will show the parameters needed:
- -roc, --repository-old-config: Path to the old repository configuration file. This is the $OLD_JBOSS_HOME/repository.xml file by default. Perhaps is different if you changes the repository.config property in OpenKM.cfg file.
- -roh, --repository-old-home: Path to the old repository directory. This is the $OLD_JBOSS_HOME/repository directory by default. Perhaps is different if you changes the repository.home property in OpenKM.cfg file.
- -rnc, --repository-new-config: Path to the new repository configuration. If you downloaded the JBoss + OpenKM bundle, there is a default $NEW_JBOSS_HOME/repository.xml file.
- -rnh, --repository-new-home: Path to the new repository directory. This is the $NEW_JBOSS_HOME/repository directory by default. This folder actually does not exists and will be created in the migration process.