Google Contacts
It allows to synchronize your Google contacts groups to OpenKM, import new contacts or update contacts information imported before.
Go to tools menu, select the menu Contacts and the sub menu Google Contacts Synchronization it'll appearing Google Contacts Synchronization Popup. Put your username and password and then login.
If you've got custom fields defined on Google Contacts you can mapping to OpenKM ( for example on the screenshot the custom fields are called propiedad1 and propiedad2 ).
Set the custom fields, if you've got defined some one, select the contact group you want to import and the list them.
Take a look the mapping has been executed right. If all it's right, then you can synchronize contacts. Note if contacts yet has been imported before in the OpenKM it'll be update within actual Google values, if not it'll be inserted into OpenKM. After finishing synchronization it'll appear at top some message indicating the operation has been completed successfully.