C Sharp client - OpenKM 5.1
From OpenKM Documentation
.Net framework comes with wsdl.exe utility ( possible it's not in your default path)
wsdl.exe http://localhost:8080/OpenKM/OKMAuth?wsdl /out:OKMAuthService.cs
Pay attention in public OKMAuthService class, it'll be generated some OKMAuthService() constructor that you would like to change to take advantatge of host variable
public OKMAuthService() {
this.Url =;
change to (or create another method with this parameter):
public OKMAuthService(String host) {
this.Url = host;
Create all webservices in one library package
Create file called openkm.wsdl with contents:
<wsdlParameters xmlns="http://microsoft.com/webReference/">
<codeGenerationOptions>properties newAsync enableDataBinding</codeGenerationOptions>
Execute from windows terminal the command:
wsdl.exe /par:openkm.wsdl /out:OKMWebservice.cs /n:OpenKM.ws
That will generate a OKMWebservice.cs with namespace OpenKM.ws. For more information about wsdl.exe option refer to [1]