Knowledge:Migration from 6.4.0 to 6.4.1
From OpenKM Documentation
- Download update from (eMpg8eIjY5)
- Make a backup!!!
- Stop Tomcat
- Run from your preferred SQL client these queries:
update OKM_CONFIG set CFG_VALUE='<b>Message: </b>${notificationMessage}<br/><b>User: </b>${userId}<br/><#list documentList as doc><b>Document: </b><a href="${doc.url}">${doc.path}</a><br/></#list>' where CFG_KEY='notification.message.body';
update OKM_CONFIG set CFG_VALUE='OpenKM - NOTIFICATION' where CFG_KEY='notification.message.subject';
-- Describe table
-- Expand column
alter table OKM_NODE_DOCUMENT_VERSION modify NDV_CHECKSUM varchar(128);
-- Describe table
select column_name, udt_name, character_maximum_length from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where table_name = 'okm_pending_task';
-- Expand column
alter table OKM_NODE_DOCUMENT_VERSION alter column NDV_CHECKSUM type varchar(128);
-- Describe table
select * from user_tab_columns where table_name = 'OKM_NODE_DOCUMENT_VERSION' order by column_id;
-- Expand column
alter table OKM_NODE_DOCUMENT_VERSION modify (NDV_CHECKSUM varchar2(128));
- Edit OpenKM.cfg and set hibernate.hbm2ddl to update
- Replace the OpenKM.war
- Review file descriptor limit and, eventually, increase it.
- Start Tomcat again
- Check for database errors:
$ grep "ERROR .*hbm2ddl" $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/catalina.log
- Set installation customer at License Manager.
- Enjoy OpenKM 6.4.1!
If you have any weird problem try to stop Tomcat, delete these folders:
- $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/OpenKM
- $TOMCAT_HOME/work/Catalina/localhost
And start Tomcat again.
Recommended to clear browser cache and Java Plugin cache |